why do we always fight?

Why can't only I for one just be
It's not the same when I no long can speak to him
I may be changed but so have he
It's like we've locked us up and thrown away the key
I see your smile the same old smile
But then he takes me down and make our feelings die

I got a life on my own
I have to be on my own sometimes
I have to stand on my own two feet's cause I know I treat him good

But why do we always fight
I can't look at you
I can't be with you tonight
And I know that this ain't right
Because I love you so but I have to go alone

Ännu en sångtext från det förflutna, Shit så bra de är egentligen.
Byz - Why do we always fight?

Postat av: Anonym

ja de är värkligen sjukt! haha ja den ångesten är fan hemsk :S ! men du har ju ditt i sthlm ifa, å mej blir du ju inte av me för ja bor ju kvar i kd :) jadu, har nyss komme hem från kil, ikväll blir de mys mä bunny

2008-04-12 @ 16:10:21
URL: http://jozefinnilsson.webblogg.se

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